Module ddsl.xtypes.xml

DDSL XML Import.

Load X-Types in Lua from XML.


  • Author: Rajive Joshi


root () Get the top level "root" builtin module namespace.
empty () Empty the root builtin module namespace.
string2xtypes (xmlstring[, ns=root]) Given an XML string, imports the xtype definitions, and returns the root module populated with the datatypes defined in the XML string.
file2xtypes (filename[, ns=root]) Given an XML file, imports the xtype definitions, and returns the
root module populated with the datatypes defined in the XML file.
filelist2xtypes (files) Given an array of XML files, imports the xtype definitions and returns the
root module populated with the datatypes defined in the XML files.


log logger to log messages and get/set the verbosity levels


root ()
Get the top level "root" builtin module namespace.
All the data-types are imported from XML files into this builtin namespace.


    xtemplate the root xtypes.module namespace for xml import
empty ()
Empty the root builtin module namespace. Deletes all the entries in the root module.


    xtemplate the root xtypes.module namespace for xml import
string2xtypes (xmlstring[, ns=root])
Given an XML string, imports the xtype definitions, and returns the root module populated with the datatypes defined in the XML string.


  • xmlstring string xml string containing XML datatype definitions
  • ns xtemplate module namespace into which to import the datatypes (default root)


    the module namespace populated with the datatypes defined in the xmlstring
file2xtypes (filename[, ns=root])
Given an XML file, imports the xtype definitions, and returns the
root module populated with the datatypes defined in the XML file.


  • filename string xml file path containing XML datatype definitions
  • ns xtemplate module namespace into which to import the datatypes (default root)


    the namespace populated with the datatypes defined in the XML file filename
filelist2xtypes (files)
Given an array of XML files, imports the xtype definitions and returns the
root module populated with the datatypes defined in the XML files.
Clears the root_module of any definitions, previously imported by calling empty.


  • files {string,...} array of file paths to XML files containing datatype definitions


    the root module namespace populated with the datatypes defined in the xml files given by files


logger to log messages and get/set the verbosity levels
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2015-11-07 15:24:54