Module ddsl

DDSL Core Abstraction; see ddsl.xtypes for a concrete implementation.

Core primitives for the Datatype definition Domain Specific Language (DDSL). Defines and implements the DDSL meta-model. The core abstractions are:

  • datatype (a.k.a. datamodel or model)
  • instance
  • collection
  • alias
  • qualifier

These primitives can be used to define datatypes according to a set of datatype construction rules (for example, ddsl.xtypes). Thus, DDSL can be thought of as a meta-model class implementing the semantic data definition model underlying OMG X-Types.

The DDSL core engine provides the infrastructure to create instances and instance collections backed by datatypes, to manipulate the underlying datatypes, keep all the instances in sync with the underlying datatypes.

A datatype is a blueprint for a data structure. Any number of data-objects or instances (a.k.a. xinstance) can be created from a datatype. Every instance is backed by an underlying datatype. The underlying datatype is never exposed directly; it is always manipulated through any one of its instances. Thus, any instance can used as a handle to manipulate the underlying datatype. Any changes made to the underlying datatype are propagated to all its instances---thus keeping all the instances in "sync" with the underlying datatype.

Any instance can be used as a constructor for new instances of the underlying datatype---when used in this manner, an instance can be thought of as a template for creating new instances. More specifically, we refer to the instance returned by a datatype constructor as the template instance (a.k.a. xtemplate) for that datatytpe. It is used as the cannonical template instance for creating other instances of the datatype, and as the handle for manipulating the datatype. Its fields should not be altered, as they are used to initialize the fields of new instances created from it.


This documentation uses the following nomenclature to refer to parts of a datatype. Below, the nomenclature is illustrated using an IDL example.

// @AnnotationX (annotations are 'qualifiers')
struct Model {              //  Datatype
   Element1 role1;          //  @AnnotationY (a 'qualifier')
   Element2 role2;          //
   sequence<Element3> role3;// a one-dimensional 'collection'
   Element4 role4[7][9]     // a multi-dimensional 'collection'

where ElementX may be recursively defined as another Model (i.e. datatype) composed of other elements.

To create an instance (xinstance) named i1 from a datatytype named Model:

local i1 = new_instance(Model, 'i1')

Now, one can use all the fields of the resulting table, i1. Furthermore, the fields are properly initialized for indexing into a storage scheme based on flattening out the field names.

i1.role1 == 'i1.role1'

More precisely, a newly created xinstance (and, therefore also the xtemplate) will have the fields initialized as follows.

  • For a primitive (i.e. atomic) member role:
    role = 'role'
  • For a composite member role:
    roleX = new_instance(ElementX, 'roleX')
  • For a collection member role (sequences or arrays):
    roleY = new_collection(ElementY, capacity, 'roleY')


  • Author: Rajive Joshi


kind (instance) Get the datatype kind for any arbitrary object.
template (instance) Retrieve the (cannonical) template instance.
resolve (template) Resolve an alias template to the underlying non-alias template and the collection qualifiers that wrap that non-alias template.
nsname (template[, namespace=nil]) Qualified (scoped) name of a datatype model relative to a namespace.
nsroot (template) Get the root namespace (the outermost enclosing scope) for an instance.
is_collection (v) Is the given object a collection of instances?


EMPTY Initializer/sentinel value to indicate an empty datatype definition.


log logger to log messages and get/set the verbosity levels.


KIND () Immutable data(type) model kind.
NAME () Name of the data(type) model.
NS () Namespace a data(type) model belongs to.
QUALIFIERS () Qualifiers associated with a data(type) model.


new_instance (template[, name=nil[, is_role_instance=nil]]) Create an instance, using another instance as a template.
new_collection (content_template[, capacity=nil[, name=nil[, is_role_instance=nil]]]) Creates a new named collection of instances based on an element template.


kind (instance)
Get the datatype kind for any arbitrary object.


  • instance xinstance the object for which to retrieve the model type


    the datatype KIND or nil (if 'value' is not a valid datatype)
template (instance)
Retrieve the (cannonical) template instance. The instance would have been created previously using new_instance() or new_collection() or new_template().


  • instance xinstance the instance whose template we want to retrieve


    xtemplate the underlying template (cannonical) instance
resolve (template)
Resolve an alias template to the underlying non-alias template and the collection qualifiers that wrap that non-alias template.


  • template xinstance the alias datatype template to resolve



    variadic number of return values consisting of the underlying non-alias datatype template, and the collection qualifiers wrapping it

    [ [collection_qualifier,] ... ] <Non-Alias Template>
nsname (template[, namespace=nil])
Qualified (scoped) name of a datatype model relative to a namespace.
Computes the shortest distance (scoped name) to navigate to the datatype template from namespace. Each name segment is separated by '::'.


  • template xinstance the datatype whose qualified name is desired in the context of the namespace
  • namespace xtemplate the namespace datatype; if nil, defaults to template's outermost enclosing scope (root namespace) (default nil)


    string the qualified name of the datatype relative to the namespace; may be nil (for example when template == namespace).
nsroot (template)
Get the root namespace (the outermost enclosing scope) for an instance. Note that a namespace without an enclosing namespace is the outermost enclosing scope.


  • template xinstance the instance (or template) whose root is to be determined


    xtemplate the root namespace ie. the outermost enclosing scope (NOTE: maybe template itself)
is_collection (v)
Is the given object a collection of instances?


  • v xinstance the object to check


    boolean or nil true if v is a collection, false or nil otherwise


Initializer/sentinel value to indicate an empty datatype definition.


logger to log messages and get/set the verbosity levels. This module extends the logger to add a version field.


      -- show version


Every xinstance has a metatable that implements the following attributes. For example, if the metatable, model defines the datatype model, then the KIND table key specifies the kind of datatype model.

 model[KIND] = <the datatype model kind>
Immutable data(type) model kind. Cannot be changed after a datatype model is constructed.
Name of the data(type) model.
NS ()
Namespace a data(type) model belongs to.
Qualifiers associated with a data(type) model.


new_instance (template[, name=nil[, is_role_instance=nil]])
Create an instance, using another instance as a template.


  • template xtemplate the template to use for creating an instance
  • name string

    the template role name; maybe nil

    • non-nil => creating a cannonical template instance
    • nil => creating an instance for holding data
    (default nil)
  • is_role_instance bool is the new instance going to be a part of a role instance, i.e. will the new instance belong to a xtemplate? (default nil)


    xinstance newly created instance that supports indexing by name


      -- As an index into some storage system: sample[]
      local myInstance = ddsl.new_instance(MyType, "myInstance")
      local member = sample[myInstance.member] -- = sample["myInstance.member"]
      -- As storage for data itself
      local myInstance = ddsl.new_instance(MyType)
     myInstance.member = "value"
new_collection (content_template[, capacity=nil[, name=nil[, is_role_instance=nil]]])
Creates a new named collection of instances based on an element template.
The collection is comprised of elements specified by the given template or collection (previously created via a call to this function). Note that a sequence or array field in an instance is also a collection of instances (created using this constructor).


  • content_template xtemplate

    the collection element element datatype template

    • may be a template i.e. xtemplate (i.e. a non-collection) OR
    • may be a collection (i.e. creating a collection of collections)
  • capacity the capacity, i.e. the maximum number of instances; nil => unbounded (default nil)
  • name string

    role name, if the new instance will be a member of another instance.

    • non-nil => creating a template instance
    • nil => creating an instance for holding data
    (default nil)
  • is_role_instance bool is the new collection going to be part of a role instance, i.e. will it belong to a template? (default nil)


    xinstance returns the newly created collection instance


      -- As an index into DDS dynamic data: sample[]
      local myInstance = ddsl.new_collection(MyType, 10, "myInstance")
      for i = 1, sample[#myInstance] do     -- = sample['myInstance#']
        -- access the i-th element
        print(sample[myInstance[i].member])  -- = sample["myInstance[i].member"]
      -- As a storage for data itself
      local myInstance = ddsl.new_collection(MyType, 10)
      for i = 1, 5 do
        print(myInstance[i].member) -- get the i-th element = "member"
        myInstance[i].member = i    -- set the i-th element
      -- the actual number of elements
      print(#myInstance)  -- 5
      -- the collection capacity
      print(myInstance()) -- 10
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2015-11-07 15:24:54